Grand Hotel Esztergom

A magnificent location, an ambitious interior, a Grand Hotel. If first impressions lasts, this one is set to be permanent. Entering the building we face a monumental lighting structure with 256 hanging spots - the technical challenge of engineering and producing a disk with a diameter 4 metres capable of holding the lighting pieces was just one thing. We have also calculated the precise packaging, delivery and installation process in advance, so we have worked on everything possible to work on at our workshop to support the single-day on-site installation. Parallel to this we have also worked on a conceptual lighting piece for above the reception desk in a flawless collab with Studio Kroki. The result: a neutral net-like material is illuminated by the indirect light of different foils reflecting colourful spots. Sounds like a grand inception of lightings, but hey, no worries, its 'only' a beautiful installation mimicking the irregularly vivid waves of the river Danube. 

Lighting concept: Studio Kroki, LumoConcept

Lighting manufacture: LumoConcept

Interior design: Studio Kroki

Photography: Zsolt Hlinka

Year:  2022